865-203-2040 karen@sisgrouptn.com
AEP, ANOC & Scams, Oh My!

AEP, ANOC & Scams, Oh My!

Medicare AEP is Coming Soon! The time is almost here again – Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period (AEP). What does this mean? It is an opportunity to assess what your needs are so that you can be prepared for the upcoming year. The dates of AEP run from October 15th...
Does Medicare Cover Foreign Travel?

Does Medicare Cover Foreign Travel?

As we get close to spring and the travel bug begins to bite, you may wonder if you have Medicare coverage if you travel abroad. The quick answer is if you’re 65 and traveling overseas, it would be good to consider a supplement to your Medicare coverage. Notably,...

Why Delay Medicare Part B?

Medicare Basics Most people start taking Medicare Part B at 65 when they are first eligible. If you are collecting Social Security when you become eligible for Medicare, Part B will come automatically.  If you are not collecting Social Security, you have to choose to...

Medicare TV Ad Scams

As we near the end of this year’s open enrollment season, it is prime time for people to try and get you to change insurance plans and Medicare TV scams are rampant.  Many of our clients have been experiencing an abundance of calls stating they can offer more benefits...

Veterans and Medicare, How Does it Work?

First, we would like to thank all of our Veterans for your service and sacrifice. You have given us the freedoms we experience in the United States of America today. Medicare Part B Options If you are a veteran who is almost 65, you are ready to tackle learning your...

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