865-203-2040 karen@sisgrouptn.com
How an Explanation of Benefits HELP You

How an Explanation of Benefits HELP You

You have received an Explanation of Benefits (EOB), but what IS it, exactly?  An EOB is NOT a Bill Let’s go ahead and clear this one up. An EOB is not a bill! An EOB is there specifically to help you understand the charges for any visits or prescription claims.  If...
Appealing an Income-Related Monthly Adjustment (IRMAA) Decision

Appealing an Income-Related Monthly Adjustment (IRMAA) Decision

What is IRMAA? IRMAA stands for “Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount,” which is an extra fee for higher-income beneficiaries because individuals with higher incomes can typically afford to pay more for their Medicare premiums. As a result, this fee is added to...
Does Medicare Cover Foreign Travel?

Does Medicare Cover Foreign Travel?

As we get close to spring and the travel bug begins to bite, you may wonder if you have Medicare coverage if you travel abroad. The quick answer is if you’re 65 and traveling overseas, it would be good to consider a supplement to your Medicare coverage. Notably,...

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